An elderly male was transported by ambulance to Baystate Medical Center, police said.
- Ludlow police investgated a serious car accident which occurred Tuesday at 3:20 p.m. at the intersection of East and Ventura Streets.Police said that a two-car collision resulted in the shearing off of a telephone pole and the closing of East Street to the Red Bridge.
“The Red Bridge is now closed to Wilbraham,” Police Sgt. Daniel Valadas said, about 6:30 Tuesday evening.
He said an elderly male was transported by ambulance to Baystate Medical Center where he was being treated in the emergency room.
He declined to release the man’s identity.
A person in a second vehicle was uninjured. There were no passengers.
It was not immediately clear when Red Bridge would be reopened to traffic.
The cause of the accident was still being investigated.
More details coming on MassLive and in The Republican.