The convoy raises money for the Ronald McDonald House and offers children at local hospitals and their families a little fun.
CHICOPEE - A convoy that joins trucks, motorcycles and disabled children will run through the streets of Chicopee, Ludlow and Palmer for the 14th time this weekend.
The Convoy for Kids not only raises money for the Ronald McDonald House, it also offers children being treated at local hospitals and their families a little fun, Jennifer M. Putnam, executive director of the House on Chapin Terrace.
“One of the best things is they include our kids and our families. They let our kids ride in the trucks, and they have a big barbecue with entertainment,” she said.
The Convoy of Kids was started by now-retired truck driver Donald J. Basile, who got the idea from a country and western song. He is disabled by a stroke so now it is organized by his wife Donna O. Basile and daughter Dawn M. Basile, both of Ludlow.
Its first year the ride donated funds to a different charity, but organizers decided they wanted to support the local Ronald McDonald House, Donna Basile said.
Children who are staying at the house are invited and brought to the start of the route on a bus. Those who want to can ride in a truck with their parent, she said.
This year the event will be held Sunday. Trucks and motorcycles will begin registering at 8 a.m. on First Avenue in Chicopee. The convoy will leave at 11 a.m., she said.
People can also register by e-mailing Basile at Because most just show up, Basile said she never knows how long the convoy will be.
“I’m guessing we will have at least 100 trucks. I figure we will have 40 motorcycles, maybe more,” she said.
Truck drivers pay $35 and motorcycles are charged $20. Raffles at the picnic help defray the cost of food for the free lunch, Basile said.
This is the third year the convoy will include motorcycles. The addition came at the request of riders who wanted to participate, she said.
The route this year has changed some because of construction. It will start in Chicopee on First Avenue and turn onto Fuller Road. It will travel through Ludlow and pick up Route 20, ending at the Crossroads Sports House on Route 20 for the picnic, Basile said.
The convoy typically raises between $2,000 and $3,000 and is given to the Ronald McDonald House with no spending requirements, she said.
“We try to use it for the families on various things they might need during their stay,” Putnam said.
In the past the money was used to help renovate and furnish two new rooms that were added to the house. It can also be used for food or other supplies, she said.