Also announced Tuesday were plans by Boston-based Winn Development to build a $20 million 83-unit senior housing complex at the site.
LUDLOW – HealthSouth plans to relocate its rehabilitation hospital to the Ludlow Mills property as part of a $70 million rejuvenation of the industrial complex.
Also announced Tuesday were plans by Boston-based Winn Development to build a $20 million 83-unit senior housing complex at the site in Mill Building 10.
The former jute mill, located on State Street and underutilized since the 1960s, is being redeveloped by Winn and Westmass Area Development Corporation.
The HealthSouth project will cost $25 million and result in the relocation of 53 beds and 240 employees by 2013. HealthSouth CEO Scott R. Keen said the for-profit health care provider is moving out of the former Ludlow hospital because the building is outdated. The new structure will have all private room and an open floor plan gym.
Kenneth Delude, president of WestMass, predicted that the projects will create hundreds of construction jobs beginning in 2012, with both projects expected to be complete in 2013.