Lavoie has pleaded guilty to three counts of statutory rape and one count of enticement of child under 16.
Update: Lisa Lavoie's bail was revoked moments ago in Hampden Superior Court and she was ordered to be held in custody until her sentencing hearing planned for Jan. 26.
In a hearing before Judge Constance Sweeney, Lavoie lost her right to bail after it was found she violated the conditions of her release, namely that she remain drug and alcohol free.
Lavoie failed a breathalyzer test given to her Thursday night at her Ludlow residence by Ludlow police. The result of two separate tests, administered 15 minutes apart, had Lavoie blowing a .295 and a .290 on the breath test. The state of Massachusetts recognized intoxication as .08.
"A .295 is extremely high," said assistant district attorney Patrick C. Sabb. He recommended that Lavoie remain in custody until room for her can be found in a secure alcohol-treatment facility. "I don't think it is a good idea for her to remain out without strict supervision," he said.
Lavoie's lawyer David Hoose agreed to the conditions.
More information to come.
LUDLOW – Police arrested former Holyoke teacher Lisa M. Lavoie at her home Thursday night for violating one or more conditions of her release pending sentencing on statutory rape charges pertaining to a teenage student.
Ludlow Police Sgt. Daniel Valadas said that a police officer, accompanied by a probation officer, arrested Lavoie at her home on East Street, shortly after 5:30 p.m.
Lavoie, who pleaded guilty last month in Hampden Superior Court to three counts of statutory rape and one count of enticement of a child under 16, was arrested on a warrant issued through court probation, Valadas said.
She was freed, after her court appearance last month, in lieu of $25,000 bail.
Valadas had no information on the nature of the violation that prompted Lavoie’s arrest.
Coria A. Holland, communications director for the Office of the Commissioner of Probation, confirmed that Lavoie violated the conditions of her release.
Holland could not provide the nature of the violation either. She said, however, that Lavoie’s conditions of release include that she obtain mental health counseling, that she have no unsupervised contact with the victim, that she have no unsupervised contact with children under 16 and that she remain drug- and alcohol-free.
Holland said that Lavoie was wearing a GPS monitoring bracelet and that she was not allowed to leave her home except for legal, medical or employment purposes.
Lavoie has been ordered to appear in Superior Court to answer to the violation. Holland said.
Sentencing for Lavoie on the statutory rape case, which will be before Judge Cornelius J. Moriarty, has been set for Jan. 26. Prosecutors have said they will recommend that she serve a three- to five-year state prison term.
The boy, who was 15 when he fled the region with his one-time teacher in February 2009, has asked the judge to spare Lavoie time behind bars.
Defense lawyer David P. Hoose has said he will ask for a sentence of probation as well as time served, which amounts to 10 days Lavoie spent in jail after her arrest in West Virginia and before she was released on bail.