Check out a video of Ludlow voters discussing the issues and races. Watch video
LUDLOW – Voters arrived at the polls this morning to choose candidates in statewide, regional and national office, as well as decide on ballot questions.Tiago Leal arrived at Precinct 3 at Ludlow High School “to get some change and, hopefully, see some improvement in the state economy.”
Voter Diane Bruno agreed. “I want change.”
Retired teacher Brian Connery said he was voting with education in mind and against anything or anyone who would make cuts. “I am voting no on all the ballot questions,” he said.
The Hampden Country district attorney’s race between Democrat Stephen J. Buoniconti of West Springfield and independent Mark G. Mastroianni of Westfield grabbed the attention of many voters.
“There’s a lot of corruption downtown and a lot of cleaning up that needs to be done,” said voter Diane Ogorzalek.
Secretary of State William F. Galvin has predicted that voter turnout could set a record for a governor’s election. The record for a governor’s election was set in 1990 when 2.42 million voters went to the polls.
Polls will remain open until 8 p.m.